Contact Us

If you have any business inquiries, concerns, or simply wish to chat about our products, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at For returns or information regarding missing items, please provide your name and unique number code and contact us via email so we can assist you promptly. We kindly ask you to review our return policy before initiating a return.

Please note that it may take us up to 24 hours on working days to respond to your email. Your inquiry is important to us, and we strive to provide a punctual response.

For business-related matters only, please utilize our contact number. All inquiries related to orders should be directed to our email address. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Business Information

Business Name: Asters World

Postal Contact Address/Registered Company Address: 34 Selkirk Way, North Shields, Newcastle, NE29 8DD

Contact Number: 07388362817


Registered Sole Trader


Contact form

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